Conservatives,  Gibraltar

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In 2001 The UK Labour government floated a plan for joint sovereignty of Gibraltar with Spain. There was considerable local reaction against this, and various opposition politicians visited Gibraltar to show their support. These included the shadow foreign secretary Michael Ancram, who led the revolt in Parliament against the proposal, and subsequently the party leaders Ian Duncan Smith, and Michael Howard.

This developed an interest in forming a local Conservative association. Initially this was as a part of Conservatives abroad, but when Gibraltar was enfranchised in the European Parliament elections of 2004, the local association became a sub branch of the party in the South West region.

The Conservatives in Gibraltar are not active in Gibraltar politics. Our mission is to engage politically with our fellow Conservatives to promote the party and Gibraltar.

The Government of Gibraltar has had a stand at recent party conferences and members of the Gibraltar association have attended and participated. Locally we have had a number of events with speakers from the UK including William Hague, Norman Tebbit and recently Grant Shapps

As a result of Brexit and losing our electoral representation by Conservative MEP's, we are again active with Conservatives Abroad.

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